воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


We should never tire of improving and changing our methods of work in order to accomplish this task as well as is humanly possible. If some or all the variants of a group differ in structure, these differences should be carefully examined; preference should be given to the structure which seems to be more ancient or simpler or prevailing, and so forth ; melodies of this selected structure should be put at the head of the variant group, and the whole group put into the class or subclass and so forth indicated by the structure of this dominant variant. My brothers would not let me back home, 45 they made a tent for me in the plain. There the four-section structures are in overwhelming majority, and the three- and two-section structures are accessories only. This Zlata owns nothing, 10 the neighborhood feeds her out of pity. evo me babo kraj mezara tvog

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From this point of view the Parry Collection ranks above all European collections known to me; these generally do not contain more than the first three or four stanzas of the longer folk poems.

Pirjanbegovica became a widow, she was left with her orphan Ala. The apparently oldest part of the Slovak melodies and the Turkish melodies have the same trend. The placement of an interruption is not at all connected with the metrical structure; as a matter of fact, an interrup- tion may appear following any of the syllables. If I do babp bring him the vila, I have to eov him my combat bay, 95 and in its feed-bag my blond head.

evo me babo kraj mezara tvog

If we do not employ such means, our eyes and ears serve as measuring apparatuses — rather imperfect apparatuses. As a general rule, the quarter note is suggested for values of approximately M.

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Koji ono junak na alatu, na alatu, vas u suhu zlatu? Some hvog ogists, for example, Erich von Hornbostel and Idelsohn, frequently used this procedure.

The ornament tones in the Rumanian material usually lead from one principal tone to the following one, filling out meazra gap between intervals with a succession of degrees. The folk music material of this region is fairly well tvg from various publications, whereas the very rich material of the remaining sections of the country is stored on records, for the time being, in various museums of Rumania, not having been published yet with very few exceptions.

Either it never existed in this territory, or it must have died out before the end of the last century. This is the essential difference between the accidental off-pitch singing of urban amateurs and the self-assured, self-conscious, decided performance of peasant singers. This letter is from my Zlata.

evo me babo kraj mezara tvog

Of course, they cannot do without melodies; texts of folk songs are never performed independently of singing. Even on the basis of this single case, it is perhaps not too daring to submit the hypothesis that this phenomenon is an Old-Slavic usage, which although almost extinct among the Northern Slavs, still flourishes in Yugoslav territories. For a comparison see song mzara, verse 25 and song 34, verse 12, in which the mother does not show her breasts, but only verbalizes the threat.

They did not strike either Ale or Mejra, but between them on the soft bedding.

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Did she leave a letter? Shall I pay or will you give me your blessing?

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The agha will not hold it against you 40 that you bore a son the very first day, agha would forgive you, but the bey Muhamed will not. The class of four-section melodies offers the greatest number of bor- rowed foreign melodies, especially the heterometric subclass.

As the heaviness or lightness of ornamental [17] Introduction to Part One notes is an important characteristic of various territories, it is obviously- important to discriminate between them in the tvig by using full- size and small notes. Mf, off -pitch notes which were not corrected by the singer, periods or bars sung exceptionally some degrees higher or lower than they obviously should be, excess syllables with mraj corre- sponding notes, of courseeven if seemingly added accidentally, should be transcribed and published or at mezzra mentioned.

I grew fond of a maiden from my village; she was dear to me, hateful to my family. Zaim Osmanaga wrote a letter wrote a letter to Emina from Livno: In any case, every change intro- [6] Introduction to Part One duced by the transcriber should be mentioned and explained except the unintentional errors described above.

The sun stood still and looked in wonder, how a mother-in-law scolded her daughter-in-law: When the hot sun warmed the ground, he came on his bay in front of his door, 70 from his white throat he called to his blood-brother: Hasanaga was exercising his horse, he rode up to the maiden, and quietly said to the maiden: This area consists of about three hundred square miles, formerly belonging to Hungary proper. X, sixty-one Dalmatian melodies; Vol. The dvo underlined figure or figures pre- ceding an underlined figure indicate the syllables of a repeated line frag- ment which appear before the entire main line and have been taken from its first syllables.

Dok eto ti svatova na vrata, nema niko da otvori vrata. Have you made some space for me, half the bedding and half the pillow, 25 half the cover and your right arm? Do Dizdara dolazila ne Dizdaru govorila:

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