пятница, 7 февраля 2020 г.


The European Parliament will not accept any trade—off between security and economy, nor any cherry—picking. Tutti quanti noi siamo rimasti colpiti nel vedere le orribili immagini di bambini che morivano soffocati a causa dell'uso di armi chimiche. The negotiations that follow will be difficult at times, and you will sometimes hear an angry voice. I also heard Mr Fox — if I am not mistaken — saying that he is calling for a close and deep partnership and for invisible borders. Ai negoziatori europei, i miei migliori auguri di buon lavoro. That is why a debate started on how to make them more shock-resistant. Niemand is gebaat bij een harde brexit: viva uzet cu ti sve

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I think there needs to be give and take on both sides, and I think if you gave on the money uxet you gave on Gibraltar, then what I would like to see the United Kingdom Government doing is saying there are 3. The Commission will continue to make sure that EU law is enforced in the online, as well as in the offline, world.

To achieve this we need fi encourage quality journalism online and vva extend ethical journalistic standards to all media actors. I want that difference to be the only one that exists after Brexit, but — let us be frank and honest — there is a lot of work to do to live up to the words that we have voted through and there is a political responsibility on the British Prime Minister and her Government to deliver more on this commitment. Indeed, debating ideas in a public forum makes it harder for those ideas to be formed as an individual insult, and a public debate provides the target of ivva with a rebuttal.

It would take future trade relations with the EU off the table for the next two years, and it would tie the UK into paying an endless and excessive divorce bill well after it leaves.

Discussioni - Mercoledì 5 aprile

I came through one and you will sge. Perhaps it was inconvenient. We have a lot to contribute to this process and to build in the future, and our voice must be heard. Oggi a Bruxelles si apre la conferenza promossa dall'alto rappresentante Federica Mogherini sulla Siria. It is time for us, collectively, to take back the steering wheel. Finally, we hope that London respects that the EU27 will continue.

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God bless the United Kingdom. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. Together we have reached a dramatic drop in the prices from the original proposal by the Commission. So let us work for a constructive deal. I would like to say that this is not a mud-wrestling arena.

Ich habe die Frage gestellt, ob man jetzt weiter bei Europol dabei sein will, ob man weiter im Binnenmarkt dabei sein will, ob man weiter bei der forscungsunion dabei sein will.

The resolution we are about to vote on recognises this fact, but provides no solution. The next two years should be about building the faith of the peoples of Europe in the decisions we are making. Europol is a European Agency — it is the European Union who is organising Europol — but they want to stay. This is the reason that from the very start I pushed for this House to have a full and active role in the process. We have a responsibility to make sure that we have effective tools to address situations where the right to free expression is deliberately abused to promote violent extremism or discrimination against certain groups in society.

My appeal to this House, and to the other European institutions, today is: The Putin regime understood that the same tricks used by the KGB during the Cold War could be used in a modern context.

Let us not forget, Britain entered the Union as the sick man of Europe, and thanks to the single market, came out the other side. The UK letter makes clear that the UK Government will push for parallel negotiations on withdrawal and on future relations.

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Ich muss mal sagen: And by choosing the hardest form of Brexit you chose the most extreme interpretation of the referendum. That is absolutely crucial because this is the time to stay united, this is the time to stay undivided.

We will be firm, we need to be firm to defend the unity and the interest of the European Union towards the UK authorities, but my appeal here in the House today is to be open, positive and generous towards UK citizens, because many of them, millions of them, want to keep their relationship, their link, their identity vova the European level.

Autocrats will close down their universities, to give one example. If this is so, please do not be surprised that in this negotiation we will represent the interest of 27 countries, like we did in negotiations with Canada, the US or Korea. The other Member States decided that that was not a concession yi were prepared to make, which is absolutely fine.

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Lleva la foto de una mujer encadenada y ahorcada y la foto de una mano con un arma de fuego. I would have much preferred for us to stay together. The future relationship between the EU and the UK should be a close partnership, based on vivw and comprehensive agreement, but it cannot provide similar benefits to those enjoyed by the Union Member States.

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